Schedule and monitor online bill payments

In addition to online banking, HFCU offers you the ability to pay bills online. It's a safe and secure way to simplify that monthly task while eliminating all the paperwork and stamps. You establish your own password, follow the simple steps to set up accounts for payment, and schedule payments at your own convenience. When you pay bills online, you always know the exact date of payment, because you establish it yourself. You can also:
  • Schedule payments for the same day or up to a year in advance.

  • Arrange for automatic payment of recurring and future bills from designated accounts.

  • Add or delete a payee from your list any time.

  • Pay bills online to almost anyone in the United States.
Get started by first enrolling in Online Banking. After that, you can add Online Bill Payment service if desired. Call us at 612-951-1500, toll-free at 1-800-533-4004 or apply on line today.

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