Take advantage of your membership and start saving with a Get Ahead Savings account today.

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Build Savings at a Faster Rate

"I was so excited when I was able to enroll in the savings plan through payroll deduction!" - Roger, member since 2003

Our signature "Get Ahead" savings account builds your savings easily and gradually through automatic paycheck deductions. Simply tell us how much you want to save and we automatically deduct it from each paycheck. It's an easy way to put away funds for a family vacation, the holidays, or anything else you plan to buy.

As a member of Honeywell Federal Credit Union, you benefit from a high annual percentage yield and no minimum balance requirements. Which means your money grows steadily, month by month, until you're ready to use it. What kind of savings does this produce? Get a quick demonstration right now by using our savings calculator. >> Show me.

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