HFCU Service Fees

There are some service fees associated with various HFCU products. If you have any questions about the following information, please contact a Service Representative at 612-951-1500 or toll-free at 1-800-533-4004.

Service Fees

Effective August 1, 2004

ATM & Check Card Fees
          Monthly Maintenance
          Transactions (per transaction)
          HFCU-Owned Machines
          Qualified Instant Cash Machines
          Other Machines
          Deposit of Non-Negotiable Item
          Card Replacement (per card)
          PIN Replacement

no charge

no charge
no charge

Certified Check


Check Cashing Fees (Teller Services)
          Members with less than $250

no charge
$5.00 per visit


Closed Account Fee
          (Charged per savings, checking or
          money market account closed
          within 6 months of opening)


Coin & Currency Redemption
     (Charged as a percentage of the
          amount redeemed. May be waived
          for members with $500+ balance)


Collection Item


          Check (photocopy & microfilm)
          Statement History


Counter Checks (up to 10)


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Fast Funds (Overdraft Line of Credit) Annual Fee


Garnishment / Levy


Get Ahead Savings
Excess Withdrawal Fee
          (Charged per withdrawal over
          disclosed account limits)*


Gift Check

Home Equity Line of Credit
Check Clearing Fee
          (Charged per check written for
          less than the $100 minimum



Institution Check


Loan Skip-a-Payment
(Available upon request to
           qualified members with
           consumer installment loans only.
           Not available on first mortgage,
           home equity, Visa, overdraft lines
           of  credit or lease. Some
           restrictions apply. Fee is charged
           to the Share Savings account at
           the time the option is addressed.)


    Checking Inactivity
           (Charged per month on account
           inactive for 90 days or more)
           Membership Inactivity
           (Charged per month to the Share
           Savings account when all the
           following criteria are met: 1) the
           Share Savings account has been
           inactive for 6 consecutive months,
           2) the balance in Share Savings is
           less than $100, 3) there are no
           additional accounts with HFCU.
           Does not apply to members under
           age 18)
           Online Bill Payment
           (Charged per month where
           account is still enrolled, but
           Online Bill Payment has been
           inactive 90 days or more)




Money Market Account
     Monthly Maintenance Fee
           (Charged per month when
           account balance falls below
           disclosed minimum)*
           Excess Withdrawal Fee
           (Charged per withdrawal over
           disclosed account limits)*



Money Order


Online Services
          Online Banking
          Online Banking PIN replacement
          Online Bill Payment
          E-Statements & Alerts

no charge
no charge
no charge

          Overdrafts & ATM Overdrafts
          Returned Check (Insufficient Funds)
          Clearing Fee (Insufficient Funds)


Relationship Checking
        Monthly Maintenance Fee

no charge!

Research & Account Reconciliation
Hourly Rate - 1 hour minimum


Returned Item
          First party checks
          Second or third party checks


Returned Statement / Returned Mail
          With Forwarding Address


Stop Payment


Traveler's Checks (per $100)


   Wire Transfer
          (Charge varies by destination)


 * See your All About Your Account booklet for details.  
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