Below is a collection of frequently asked questions concerning Honeywell Federal Credit Union and personal accounts. If you need further information, please call a Member Service Representative at 612-951-1500, or toll-free at 1-800-533-4004.
What is the difference between a bank and a credit union? Both banks and Credit Unions accept deposits, offer loans and provide other financial services. Credit Unions are considered cooperative, not-for-profit organizations that are run by a volunteer board of directors, elected by the members. Unlike banks that have stockholders to pay, Credit Unions return earnings to the members in the form of lower interest rates on loans and higher interest rates on deposits.
What is the Credit Union's routing (ABA) number? 291074544
What do I do if I've forgotten my password for Online Banking? You can request a new password by phone or online. To request one by phone, call a Member Service Representative at 1-800-533-4004. To request one online, look to the Online Banking login section of this page; click the sentence that says, "Forgot Your Password?" for instructions.
Will I be charged a fee for using Online Banking? Online Banking and Online Bill Payment do not have monthly fees. Some fees may apply; see our Service Fees for more details.
How do I change the mailing address for my account statements? Notify a Member Service Representative by calling (800) 533-4004.
Where do I send deposits through the mail? Send your deposit to Honeywell Federal Credit Union, Attn: Member Service, 6465 Wayzata Blvd, Ste 600, Minneapolis MN 55426.
How much can I withdraw with my ATM or Check card each day? At an ATM you can withdraw $200 dollars a day with either your ATM or Check card. For purchases, your limit is $2,000 a day or your available balance, whichever is less.
How long will my checks be held until the funds are available? Please see the Funds Availability Policy that is found in the All About Your Account section of this website.
Why did more money go to interest on my loan this month than last month? Interest payments depend on when your last loan payment was made. The interest is based on the amount of days since you last payment. For example: If you make your loan payment in the middle of the month and your next payment is due on the 18th of the following month, there could be 40-45 days worth of interest that has accrued.